Expert Witness Affirmation Statement
The American Association Of Orthopedic Surgeons has list of ten declarations to uphold professional principles in providing expert evidence or expert witness testimony.
As a member of the medical profession and a Fellow or Member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons/American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), I affirm my duty, when giving evidence or testifying as an expert witness, to do so solely in accordance with the merits of the case. Furthermore, I declare that I will uphold the following professional principles in providing expert evidence or expert witness testimony:
1. I will always be truthful.
2. I will conduct a thorough, fair and impartial review of the facts and the medical care provided, not excluding any relevant information.
3. I will provide evidence or tesity only in matters in which I have relevant clinical experience and knowledge in the areas of medicine that are the subject of proceeding.
4. I will evaluate the medical care provided in light of generally accepted standards nor endorsing or condoning performance that falls below these standards.
5. I will evaluate the medical care provided in light of generally accepted standards that prevailed at the time of the occurrence.
6. I will state where my opinion honestly varies from generally accepted standards.
7. I will provide evidence or testimony that is complete, objective, scientifically based, and helpful to a just resolution of the proceeding.
8. I will make a clear distinction between a departure from accepted practice standards and an untoward outcome, making every effort to determine whether there is a causal relationship between the alleged substandard practice and the medical outcome.
9. I will submit my testimony to scrutiny, if requested, by professional organizations, hospitals, peer review bodies, and state medical and/or licensing boards, as appropriate.
10. I will not accept compensation that is contingent upon the outcome of the litigation.